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We are global standard CBSE pattern school. We envision holistic development of a child by focusing on pupils cognitive domain, affective domain and psychomotor domain and develop democratic value and cultivate healthy habits that enables pupil to compete globally.  


About Us

Mount Carmel School is a CBSE board high school that is committed to providing a global standard of education. We believe that education is not just about academics, but it is also about developing a well-rounded personality. Our school is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a team of highly qualified teachers who are dedicated to providing the best possible education to our students.

Director's Message

Building Bright Futures

In 2018, I visited Uttar Pradesh and observed the need for quality education for every caste. RP Yadav and I envisioned a school where every student, teacher and family is respected as a person created in the image of God. Every individual is viewed with dignity, intelligence and significance.


Our vision is to provide an environment where children discover and develop their God given talents. We believe in developing the whole-person, not just the brain, by cultivating their moral conscience to make ethical decision; by cultivating their spiritual being to view themself and every person as a human-being created in the image of God; by cultivating respect for the body and view it as holy and dignified.


Learning is a life-long process of discovery that continually nurtures confidence to pursue dreams and conquer the impossible. At Mt Carmel, every lesson fosters imagination, discovery and confidence to pursue knowledge and unveil the unknown. Education is freedom.


No one will be left behind. The poor need education too and we will find scholarships for them. Children with learning challenges and disabilities will be integrated in regular classes, taught at their individual level plus one and cared for with compassion.


Mt Carmel is an international school with international standards and global vision. English will be taught parallel with Hindi to prepare students to compete in the global market and contribute to the international community. We will implement world geography and history into lessons to develop student’s global vision.


Mt Carmel will hire, train and retain qualified teachers. Teachers are required to attend weekly faculty training where they share best practices and challenges with each other. Daily lesson plans are required and are shared at weekly meetings. Teachers will evaluate each student’s progress, every week. Teachers are students at a different level, who are committed lifelong learning.


We believe serving a child is serving God.

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Director Mr. Thomas Passmore


Why Choose Mount Carmel School?

At Mount Carmel School, we provide a unique learning experience that goes beyond the classroom. Our focus is on providing a well-rounded education that promotes the intellectual, physical, and emotional development of our students. Here are some of the key features of our school:


Activity based integrated curriculum

Our activity-based curriculum offers numerous benefits. It engages students, enhances critical thinking, fosters problem-solving, and ignites creativity, all while preparing them for the challenges of the real world.


State-of-the-Art Facilities

Our school is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities that provide a conducive learning environment for our students. We have modern classrooms, well-equipped labs, a library, and sports facilities.


Quality and affordable education

Our passionate and highly qualified teachers are on a mission to ignite the flames of knowledge within our students. With a relentless commitment to nurturing their full potential, we offer affordable, top-tier education. It's not just about teaching; it's about kindling the spark of learning with a dedicated service ethos.


Our Achievements


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